Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 3

Don't worry about the past. The past is gone. The process of achieving your ideal weight starts today.

After we pass our early twenties, the typical American lifestyle leads to a slow, steady, inexorable weight gain. American adults typically gain about a pound a year. This means that by the time you are forty you’re 15 to 20 pounds overweight. Many people add on another twenty pounds by the time they reach 60 years old. Some gain at an even faster rate.

This is not a normal part of the aging process!! That means you can change course.

You do not need to accept the fact that you are overweight or obese as a permanent condition. It's not like being short or having brown eyes. Go take look in the mirror. Accept that this is where you are now and that it will be a long journey to get to where you want to be. Don’t blame yourself, or anyone else for what you look like right now. In terms of your weight, the past is gone, forget about it. The future is where it’s at.

The first step is commitment to the goal.


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