Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 8

Hunger is good.

Don’t eat pastries or muffins. Don’t eat pizza. No fast food. No fries. What the hell? Is there anything you can eat? Is 365/weightloss a guide to starvation?

We’ll talk about what you can eat in later posts, but if you want to lose weight you will have to be hungry at times. Hunger is good. Hunger is the way your body feels when you are losing weight. If you are never hungry then you are likely gaining weight on a daily basis.

But eating is a pleasure, right? Good food is one of the greatest pleasures in life. True, but you know what? Being lean and fit is a pleasure too. Fitting into your clothes is a pleasure. Looking great in a bathing suit is a pleasure. Being able to fully participate in an active, vigorous life-style is a great pleasure too.

It’s okay to be hungry. Hunger is what you feel when you are losing weight.


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