Day 14
No Soda Pop.
Not even diet.
Soda is a processed chemical solution with sugar and caffeine (or aspartame and caffeine). It tastes good but is not good for you. Drinking pop, even diet, has been linked to an increased incidence of the Metabolic Syndrome (doctor speak for being too fat).
What really is in soda? Well, we know it has a lot of calories, that much is on the can. The kind without calories has aspartame in it, which fools the body into thinking it’s sweet. Who knows what else it does? Why bother risking toxic side effects? Furthermore, drinking diet pop does not help you lose weight.
Water is great and free. You can drink it right from the tap. Bottled water is fine too if you're not concerned about wasting money.
Fruit juices are ok in small amounts, but beware of the calorie load. Vegetable juices (tomato, V8, carrot) are all low calorie and good bets. In all these cases read the label to be sure.
The path to your ideal weight does not include soda.
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