Day 16
A walk through the airport reveals two things:
1) About 2/3 of travelers are obese.
2) The airport is awash with bad food options for travelers.
The choices for eating at the airport are high calorie fast food, with a few exceptions. Pizza, hot dogs, cinnamon buns, ice cream, McDonald’s. All are there for the eating. If you search hard you might be able to find a concession serving Japanese food or sushi, but that’s it for healthy choices.
I look on travel days as an opportunity to fast. Fasting for a day has all kinds of benefits, both psychological and physical. A fast can mean no food at all, or more typically, sticking to vegetable or fruit juices and water. I usually drink orange and tomato juice, with some bottles of water in between, and that’s it. At the end of a day of fasting you feel light and fit, and you’ve avoided the fast food traps.
Humans are very good at going for extended periods of time without eating. The airlines no longer serve food on the flights, which I think is great, as they mostly served high calorie garbage anyway.
Walk through the airport and ignore the bad food choices. On the flight ask for a can of tomato juice. When you get to your destination, you’ll feel good and maybe you’ll be down a pound or two as well.
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